Friday, February 26, 2010

Synchronization in packet-based mobile backhaul networks

as more and more traffic is being delivered in ethernet format,carriers are reelizing the advantages to migration to  pure Ethernet infrastrucyure,but there  are some features that not able to do so with Ethernet as presently standard/recommendations from MEF/ITU/IEEE make the Ethernet networks close the  gap between Ethernet and SONET/SDH networks.
 the final diffrerence between conventional TDM-base network and ethernet is that the former also transport frrequency information ,need for some application,while Ethernt does not.numerous methods have been suggested for augmenting Ethernt to distribute frequncy and /or timing informatin,such as IEEE 1588,SYNE,NTP

in this article by Antonis Karvelas he cover the metod for transport of synchronization over Ethernet network

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