Friday, December 25, 2009

Check Point NG backup, recovery, and upgrade procedures

Note: The presented bellow backup and recovery procedures will work only if both Management
Servers are on the same OS. All presented bellow actions are on the Management Server only
(SmartCenter Server).

1. Backup the following files:



$FWDIR/conf/fgrulebases_5_0.fws (if FloodGate-1 is used)


Note: On Windows machines fwauth.NDB file is only the pointer to the real user database file, for

example, fwauth.NDB145. In this case take the real database file -fwauth.NDB145, and rename it to


2. The ICA and SIC related files that should be copied are:




3. In addition to the above files, you also need to backup and import the following:



Note: Copy everything under 'SIC'.



Note: Export this key and then import it on the target machine.

4. From NG FP2, you should also copy all the files from:



1. Install new FireWall-1 NG Management Server.

2. Stop the FireWall-1 NG Management Server (cpstop).

3. Copy the backup files to the $FWDIR/conf $CPDIR/conf directories respectively, and

registry files as presented above.

4. Start the FireWall-1 management machine.(cpstart).


Manual policy file compilation


fwm –g .W


fw m –g .W

Internal Certificate Authority database reset

1. fw sic_reset

Note: 'fwm sic_reset' format on FP2 and above. If Firewall object has IKE certificates defined it is

necessary to delete them (using Policy Editor or manually in object_5_0.C).

2. Re-initialize the Internal Certificate Authority (use cpconfig

3. Restart Check Point Services (cpstart).

Restoration of a corrupted rulebases file

1. Run 'cpstop'.

2. Backup $FWDIR/conf/object_5_0.C

3. Run $FWDIR/bin/fw cpmi_upgrade (it will create a new rulebases_5_0.fws based on the


4. Copy object_5_0.C from to backup to $FWDIR/conf.

5. Run 'cpstart'.



Note: All presented bellow actions are on Management Server only

*network objects*

copy old objects to new configuration:

fw confmerge old_objects_5_0.C new_objects_5_0.C > objects_5_0.C


- old_objects_5_0.C - objects from old system

- new_objects_5_0.C - objects from new installed system

- objects_5_0.C - target objects database ($FWDIR/conf/objects_5_0.C)


in old system export user database to a file

fwm dbexport -f filename.txt

in new system recreate users groups manually

in new system import user database to a file

fwm dbimport -r -m -f filename.txt

*security policy*

copy rulebases.fws file or *.W files


If rules are not seen in GUI compile *.W policy files as presented above. It is also reasonable

to recreate rules manually in Policy Editor.


fw checkobj


1. Run the Upgrade Verifier Utility (pre upgrade verifier). It can be downloaded from Check

Point Web site.

2. On a new machine install VPN-1/FW-1 (e.g. FP1, FP2, FP3).

3. From Check Point Web site download upgrade.4.3.tgz file, unzip it on new Firewall

machine. Then verify if the required FPx directory was created (e.g. upgrade/FP3). If not

manually create the directory (e.g. upgrade/FP3).

4. Place the following 4.1 files under upgrade/4.1

a. objects.C

b. fwauth.NDB


On Windows machines this file is only the pointer to the real database file, e.g. fwauth.NDB144. In this case take

the real database file (fwauth.NDB144), rename it to fwauth.NDB and put it in the \upgrade\4.1 directory.

c. rulebases.fws

d. fgrulebases.fws (if FloodGate-1 is installed)

5. Stop the FireWall-1 (cpstop)

6. Go to the /upgrade directory and run:


upgrade.bat \upgrade FP3 4.1 (upgrade from 4.1 to FP3)


upgrade.csh /upgrade FP3 4.1 (upgrade from 4.1 to FP3)

7. Start the FireWall (cpstart).

8. Run the Upgrade Verifier Utility (post upgrade verifier). It can be downloaded from Check

Point Web site.

Additional notes:

1. The upgrade script will backup any modified file into /upgrade/backup/ directory.

2. If you are moving from a Windows machine to Unix do dos2unix (UNIX command) on objects.C and


3. In order to keep other configuration files (e.g. gui-clients, masters) copy from 4.1 system

$FWDIR/conf directory to NG system $FWDIR/conf the following files:

- xlate.conf,

- aftpd.conf,

- smtp.conf,

- sync.conf,

- masters,

- clients,

- fwmusers,

- gui-clients,

- slapd.conf,

- serverkeys,

- product.conf.

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